Group Classes – Sports, Tricks & Fun

“Every interaction is a learning interaction”

ThunderHawk Canine is very excited to be expanding our group classes in HUGE ways! All classes are taught at Thunderhawk’s Academy on 111 in Cookeville TN unless otherwise noted. In an effort to continue meeting the needs of the Upper Cumberland pet owner, we are also offering classes taught by guest instructors! So check it out – we probably have what you are looking for!

Unless otherwise specified, classes are taught by Certified Thunderhawk Instructors who have passed an Industry Standard Board Exam. For Thunderhawk Trainers to earn our official stamp of approval, they must have trained within our specific program for a minimum of 12 months, and have passed an exam demonstrating a strong working understanding of behavior, instruction, ethology and physiology.

All class registration is handled online, unless specified in description

Puppy Kindergarten
Scent Work Classes

$150 / 7 Weeks

Canine Scent work is a sport inspired by police and military scent detection work. The only difference is that, instead of bombs or drugs, our civilian canine classes will teach dogs to search for the “target odors” used in AKC Scent Work trials (Birch, Anise, Clove, and Cypress).

This is an activity that ALL dogs can benefit from. It’s low impact, so dogs of all ages can play! And, since this is a team sport, where your dog gets to take the lead, it can be especially beneficial for shy and excitable dogs, helping them to gain confidence and learn to focus. It will also teach the handler to read their dog’s body language.

Our six-week course, Introduction to Scent Work, will be focused on the basic elements of AKC Scent Work and searching the four (4) primary search “elements” (containers, interiors, exteriors, and vehicles) for Birch. We will also discuss Scent Theory while we’re searching to help handlers understand what their dogs are doing and why.


Academy on 111:
Intermediate – Tuesdays at 5:00pm – Starting November 19, 2024
Taught by Maria Ruoto

Advanced – Tuesdays at 6:30pm – Starting November 19, 2024
Taught by Maria Ruoto

Intermediate – Wednesdays at 5:00pm – Starting November 20, 2024
Taught by Maria Ruoto

Intro – Fridays at 5:30pm – Starting January 3, 2025
Taught by Jo Claudia Austin

Puppy Kindergarten

Rally Obedience
Guest Instructor – Sherry Spivey

$150 / 6 Weeks

This is a six week class for those interested in learning about the sport of Rally or continuing on the skills they have already established! Rally is a sport that showcases the team work between dog and handler. It is less strict than most competitive obedience. You are allowed to talk and encourage your dog.

Suitable for all ages and types of dogs, must be a minimum of six months of age. Basic obedience commands will be utilized and expanded upon, so a good understanding of loose leash walking, sit and down stay is required.

Each week we will be learning the various signs applicable to the novice level rally courses and how to begin to put them together for an actual novice course. A full course will be run on the last night of class. All work is done on leash. You should bring lots of treats to reward your dog as you both learn the ins and outs of Rally. A four foot leash and whichever collar you normally use. Class will be fast paced!

To view Sherry’s bio – click HERE

Email – – to enroll


Academy on 111:
Intro / Beginner / Novice Starting February 11th
Wednesdays 6:15pm
Tuesdays 9:00am

Advanced / Excellent
Wednesdays 7:30pm
Tuesdays 10:45am

Basic Obedience copy
Tricks for Treats – AKC Trick Dog and DMWYD Trick Dog Class 🙂

$150 / 7 Weeks

Join us for the first in our TRICKS for TREATS classes – Novice Trick Dog. Participants will be taught how to teach multiple novice level tricks, and we will prep you for TWO trick titles – AKC Trick Dog and Do More with Your Dogs Trick Dog! AKC registration is NOT required for participation in class or to show off on graduation day, but is required if owners would like to earn the AKC Trick Dog (PAL and Companion registration is open to any dog, and we can help). Title testing will be done free of change on graduation night by your instructor, who is also an AKC Approved Evaluator 🙂

NOVICE – $130 / 5 Weeks

Academy on 111:
Thursdays at 6:00pm – Starting January 6, 2025
Taught by Jo Claudia Austin and Carrie Harris

INTERMEDIATE – $130 / 5 Weeks

Academy on 111:
Thursdays at 6:00 pm – Starting February 20, 2025
Taught by Jo Claudia Austin and Carrie Harris

Basic Obedience copy

Stunt Dog

$130 / 5 Weeks

Stunt dog is a fun live performance sport that puts your leash walking, obedience and tricks skills to the test. During this class you learn a short performance routine and perfect it, by the end of the semester you will be able to perform your routine infront of the class and earn your stunt dog novice title. This class covers everything you need to succeed even if you have only ever taken a basic obedience class. We will learn: Perimeter Circle Salut, pedestal mounting, tricks, sending to target marks, hoop jumps and multiple tricks and showmanship techniques. For more information about the sport visit this website:

Academy on 111:
Thursdays at 6:30pm – Starting March 15, 2025
Taught by Jo Claudia Austin

Basic Obedience copy

Animal Actors

$130 / 5 Weeks

Animal Actors level one class corresponds to the Do More with Your Dog Animal Actor level one title. We will learn many training techniques used on professional photography sets. This fun interactive group class will cover training items such as sending to target mark, watching a look stick, costume changes, crate training, building your dog’s resume, and distance work. At the end of class, you will be evaluated and receive your first animal actor title, signifying you have adequate training and talent to work well on a real set! For additional information view the animal actors handbook:

Academy on 111:
Thursdays at 5:00pm – Starting March 15, 2025
Taught by Jo Claudia Austin

Outdoor Adventures
Outdoor Adventures

$5 / Dog / Session

This is a fun and interactive class that allows you to put your obedience into a different setting. We meet at Cane Creek City Park. The class consists of a 2-mile walk around the lake, taking numerous stops for obedience activities. Keep an eye on our Facebook page or visit back for our next date!! This class is drop-in only – no preregistration.


Currently meeting the second Sunday of every month at 2pm

Canine Good Citizen
Urban Adventures

$5 / Dog / Session

Join us at Dogwood Park (meeting at the Amphitheater) for a ~1.5 mile walk through downtown Cookeville and around the West Side. This class is set up as an environmental enrichment class, mentally exercising your dog by helping them interact with the world in different ways. See the world through the eyes of your dog!! Given the format of this class, it is not appropriate for dogs who struggle with reactivity or any level of aggression.


Currently meeting the second Sunday of every month at 2pm. Please keep an eye on our Facebook page for any changes.

Book any of our services here!

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