Events Calendar

INTRO Required! – Humans only, no dogs at Intro Class

This class is equivalent to our week 1 of everything 😊 It is required for anyone who has not taken a class with us in 2021. We discuss philosophy, how it all works, various tools, rewards, and introduce some basic engagement exercises so you are set up for success the first time your pup walks in the room!

Engagement (Building Focus and Relationship)

“Whatchu lookin at?? ME. Please pup, look at me for a moment!” If this is you sometimes, this is the class for you. There are so many exciting things in the world, and it is so hard to compete with them to get our dog’s attention. If they won’t engage with you, you have little chance of them working with you. This module could be a class by itself – and you are welcome to attend as many times as you like. Learn some foundation engagement games the first time, and discuss more advanced techniques each time you come!

Enrichment – Creative Mental Stimulation 

Anyone out there have a bored dog? Looking for new and exciting ways to stimulate them mentally without spending a fortune on expensive puzzles and toys? Mentally stimulating your pup can be a challenge even for the most creative home. Join us for this module for some great ideas!

Conditioning to a Head Collar or Muzzle

When you need a muzzle, like REALLY  NEED IT, the last think you want is for your it to add stress to the situation. EVERY dog should be conditioned to a muzzle, and think it is the coolest thing ever. It is a process, and one that your dog deserves. The steps for conditioning to a muzzle are the same as those used to condition a head collar, so lets get started! This class is not for dogs who are already showing aggression in any form. Please contact us about a private session to handle established behavior problems). 

Productive Play / Dealing with Destructive Behaviors

This topic might be the most popular one we discuss with clients! Playing is SO important, but playing right is even more. Mindless exercise conditions the athlete, but we need to wear them out mentally too. Join us to discuss HOW to productively play with your dog, and learn all about the benefits. There are way too many to list!

Preventing Anxiety – An Overview

Puppy Rearing can be hard, and in today’s climate of uncertainty, odd work schedules, home and then not….we are seeing SO much anxiety. There seems to be great evidence showing that anxiety (separation, confinement, noise, thunderstorm) has a genetic component. But we also know that there is so much that we can do with young dogs to help them be the very most confident self that they can!

Preventing Aggression – An Overview

Another favorite puppy kindergarten topic that is appropriate for all ages (as long as aggression hasn’t begun). Aggression comes from one of two genetic drives – prey or defense. And SO much of it is a learned behavior that owners have inadvertently allowed to develop and even accidently encouraged. Learn how to avoid this to develop a dog you LOVE to LIVE with (and safely can take most anywhere 😊 )
This class is not for dogs who are already showing aggression in any form. Please contact us about a private session to handle established behavior problems). 

Cooperative Care and Passive Restraint

The key to stress free handling is a positive foundation! This module is perfect for learning how to teach a puppy right from the beginning, or how to recondition your dog to accept some things that they aren’t thrilled about. Take it as many times as you need to, as we will advance your pup at the rate that suits you both! NOTE – this module is not appropriate for dogs who show aggression to other dogs or during restraint. Contact us to schedule a private session for issues such as these.

Leave It

How many ways can your dog “Leave It.” It is a great puppy skill! But we find it has applications all the way up through Therapy Dog Work (with a few “Leave It” Scenarios worked into the test. Attend this module to learn the foundation, or proof to perfection. Or all of the above until its perfect!

Vehicle Manners

Dogs you LOVE to LIVE with right? But what if you can’t take them anywhere? OK, its unlikely you would be bringing them to class but…. Or maybe they bowl you over getting in an out? Run back and forth across the seats “catching” the cars that you pass. Come on in to vehicle manners so we can help make traveling a better experience for you all.

AKC STAR Puppy Text

EVERY PUPPY CAN BE A STAR!! And AKC agrees. The AKC STAR Puppy Test is administered during this module. Please note – your puppy MUST have attended at least 5 other modules before they are eligible for the STAR Puppy title. Read the rules here so you are well prepared!

“Touch” – Tricks for Treats Series

Looking for some trick training? Or maybe you know that “touch” can have some great practical applications as well. This behavior can include a nose touch, or a paw. And can then be generalized into picking things up, turning lights on and off…so much potential. At the end of the day, the more you teach your dog, the more they are using their brain. The most they use their brain, the more content they all around.

Perfect Positions

Sit, down, stand…..and stay! It sounds so easy! But building constancy and reliability in the positions can be a challenge. Join us for this module to teach the basics, or fine tune for precision. Take it once to teach the movements, or more than once to build distance, duration and distraction.

Reliable Recalls – Come!!

Hands down, the recall is the most important, and often hardest, behavior that we teach. Often times, people take an entire obedience class just to get their pup to come when called. So stop by this module once, or keep coming back, to build a reliable recall that will add to your dog’s freedom again and again.

Unparalleled Place

Hands down, place is one of the most functional behaviors that we can teach a dog. Want to answer the door without wrestling with your pooch, putting them up, or having your guests get jumped all over? Maybe you would like to eat a meal without help. Unparalleled Place is the PLACE to start. This module can be taken as many times as needed – to build value and understanding in the place behavior, and then to proof it under distraction.

Out for a Walk / Loose Leash Walking

This module is specifically for those who are interested in defining a heel position, creating engagement while out in public, and not getting dragged down the road 🙂 Take it once to learn how to get your pup to understand position, or multiple times to proof it into perfection.

Great Greetings

Jumping is a huge problem for so many! And shy guys can benefit from learning the “Greeting Game,” where expectations and an escape are built in, to build confidence. This module will discuss all things “Greetings” and how to make them more comfortable for everyone.

Basic Skills Completion 

If you think you and your dog have a good handle on the basics (sit, sit-stay, down, down-stay, come, and loose leash walking) with minimal distraction (and maybe a little leash or reward help) then come show off!! This module is set up as a graduation from Basic Obedience Skills. Let’s see em work! Take a Snazzy Picture! Give you your gorgeous certificate! And start the bragging!

CGC Prep – Tests 1-3 (All things greeting and interaction)

Getting ready to take the CGC? We would love to help. Being calm around others is one of the more difficult components. In the module we will work on all three of the first tests – Accepting a Friendly Stranger, Sitting Politely for Petting, and Appearance and Grooming. You are welcome to come as many times as you like to get this down pat!

CGC Prep – TEst 10 (Supervised Separation) 

For some, leaving your pup with a stranger is their dream afternoon 🙂 For others, they act like it is clear abandonment and abuse. This module was created to focus directly on the success of the worried.


Are you ready to prove that your pup is a Canine Good Citizen? Or maybe you already have earned the CGC and are ready for the Advanced title? This module is for you! The AKC CGC is available to all dogs of all breeds, regardless of registration status. The CGCA requires at least a companion dog registration status with AKC. Read up on the rules here CGC CGCA and pop on in to have your dog evaluated.

Book any of our services here!

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